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Name : Dr.Harshul Parikh

Designation : Principal Incharge and Lecturer (Selection Grade)

Educational Qualification :

  • Ph.D (Pharmacology) from M.K.Bhavnagar University under the guidance of Prof.R.K.Goyal
  • M.Pharm (Pharmacology) from M.S.University of Baroda
  • B.Pharm K.L.E Society’s College of Pharmacy, Belgaum.

Professional Experience : Total 25 Years of experience in Pharmaceutical field including academics, industry and pharma marketing. 

  1. Academic experience : 21 years
    • Presently working as Principal Incharge since January 2017. Permanent full time Lecturer at Shantilal Shah Pharmacy College since 10-09-2003 to till date continue.
    • Served as Visiting Lecturer at this college for 5 Years from Academic Year 1998-99 to 2002-03.
    • Serving as visiting faculty for Pharmacology subject at Government Nursing College, Bhavnagar.
    • Previously served as visiting faculty in B.Pharm course at Samanvay Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Botad and visiting faculty in M.Sc course at Dept. of Chemistry, Kutch University, Bhuj.
  2. Industrial experience : 04 Years
    • 4 Years as Production officer in Tablet, Capsule, Liquid(oral) dept. of Torrent Pharmaceutical, Ahmedabad
    • Food and Drug Control Administration (FDA), Govt. of Gujarat approved chemist in Tablet Dept.
  3. Other Administrative Experience :
    • Worked as Asst. Coordinator for 5 years in Examination Central assessment center, M.K.Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar.

Life Member :

  • Association of Pharmacy Teachers of India (APTI)
  • Indian Pharmacological Society (IPS)
  • Gujarat Pharmacy Teachers Association (GPTA)

Research Work and Publications :

Total 16 research-review publications out of which 8 full text paper published in various international and national journals, 04 oral research presentation (own work) and 04 poster research presentation (own work).


(I) International :

  1. A Review article entitled “Drug Information System” published in International Journal of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, September-November, 2010, Vol.1(2), 56-61.(ISSN Number: 976-9374)
  2. A Research article entitled “Preparation and comparision of dissolution profiles of Aceclofenac by solid dispersion” published in journal of IJSRD (International journal of Scientific & development), December-2014 Volume-1, Issue-10, 83-852 (ISSN no.2321-0613, Impact factor-1.26).
  3. A Review article entitled “Genetic markers in plant: conceptions, types and its medicinal and breeding application” published in International journal of pharmaceutical research and bio-science (IJPRBS),2015;volume 4(4):111-128.(ISSN no.2277-8713, Impact factor:1.862 by journal impact factor, ICV 2013:5.71).
  4. Research article entitled “Investigation of anti-diabetic and hypolipidemic activity of Dykure in streptozotocin induced diabetic wistar rats” published in International journal of Pharmaceutical sciences & Research (IJPSR), winter-2015:0975-8232. Impact factor:1.79  (APTICON-2015 conference proceeding Article No.PD-03 P.No 683)
  5. Research article entitled “Frequency analysis of ATP1B1 gene polymorphism in hypertensive subjects” published in International journal of Pharmaceutical sciences & Research (IJPSR), winter-2015:0975-8232. Impact factor:1.79 (APTICON-2015 conference proceeding Article No.PD-02 P.No 680)
  6. A Research article entitled “Investigation of cardioprotective effects of crataegus oxycantha and its molecular mechanism” in current research in cardiology Vol.2 No.4 winter-2015:161-167 (ISSN no.2368-0524, International peer reviewed journal).

(II) National:

  1. A Review article entitled “Multiple Myeloma: A Plasma Cell Cancer” published in Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, April, 2007, Vol.17, No.11: 20:31. (IJCP- ISSN Number: 0971-0876).
  2. A Review article entitled “Major Histocompatibility Complex” published in Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, September, 2009, Vol. 20, no.4:306-310. (IJCP- ISSN Number: 0971-0876).

(III) Oral presentations of Research work :

  1. A Research work titled “Effect of Dykure polyherbal formulation on streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced diabetes mellitus” has been orally presented at 27th Annual conference of Indian Pharmacological Society (Gujarat chapter) organized by R.K.College of Pharmacy, R.K.University, Rajkot on 1st February 2009.
  2. A Research work titled “Evaluation of Anti-atherosclerotic activity of Phaseolus Vulgaris in Diabetes accelerated atherosclerosis in Balb/c mice” has been orally presented at 43rd Annual conference of Indian Pharmacological Society organized by National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad on 13th-16th December 2010. (Research work was selected and presented for Prof. O.D.Gulati Prize)
  3. A Research paper titled “Investigation of cardioprotective effects of Triticum Aestivum” has been orally presented in 29th Annual conference of Indian Pharmacological society (Gujarat Chapter), Pharmacon 2013 Organised by B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad. (Abstract in Pharmacon 2013, Souveniar OP-2, page no.38.
  4. A Research work titled “Investigation of cardioprotective effects of Crataegus oxycantha and its mechanism” has been orally presented in 48th Annual conference of Indian Pharmacological society, Organised by Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rajkot on 18th-20th December 2015. (Abstract in Ind J of Pharmacology, Supplement issue IPSCON 2015, Article No. IND-11, page no.S20).

(IV) Poster presentations of Research work : 

  1. A Research work titled “Investigation of cardioprotective effects of Crataegus oxycantha in Isoproterenol induced myocardial ischemia in rats” has been orally presented in National conference on Frontiers and Avenues in the field of Herbal Drug Research organized by L M College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad on 6th-7th February 2015.
  2. A Research work titled “Hypoglycemic activity of Phaseolus Vulgaris- A dietary beans in mice” has been orally presented in GUJCOST sponsored National symposium on Pharmaceutical Dosage Form, Design and Development: Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities organized by Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh on 20th August 2015.
  3. A Research work titled “Evaluation of cardioprotective activity of Crataegus oxycantha against Ischemia-Reperfusion(I/R) injury in isolated rat heart” has been orally presented in GUJCOST, DST and APTI sponsored International conference on “Perspectives In Multidisciplinary Research: Changing Paradigm” organized by A-One Pharmacy College, Ahmedabad on 1st March 2019.

(V) Awards :

Dr.Harshul Parikh was honoured with First prize for his Pharmacological research work presentation on title “Evaluation of cardioprotective activity of Crataegus oxycantha against Ischemia-Reperfusion(I/R) injury in isolated rat heart” at GUJCOST, DST and APTI sponsored International conference on “Perspectives In Multidisciplinary Research: Changing Paradigm” organized by A-One Pharmacy College, Ahmedabad on 1st March 2019.

(VI) Other Academic Achievements :

  1. Appointed as Member in syllabus reform committee of Pharmacy courses by AICTE, New Delhi.
  2. Appointed as Judge for selection of Best Chemist Award by Bhavnagar District Chemist Association, Bhavnagar.
  3. Served as Evaluator/ Judge for poster research presentation in various national and international conferences.
  4. Served as Invited speaker by industries in educational seminars.
  5. Served as Invited speaker/ Resource faculty at Refresher courses for Registered Pharmacist sponsored by Gujarat State Pharmacy Council, Ahmedabad.

Name : Himal V. Pandya

Designation : Lecturer

Education Qualification : M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics and Pharm. Technology)

Experience : 24 Years - Lecturer at Smt. R.D.gardi Govt. Pharmacy College, Lakhtar (17-9-1993 to 1-7-1997) - Lecturer at S. S. Pharmacy College, Bhavnagar (2-7-1997 to till date) - Incharge Principal at S.S.Pharmacy College, Bhavnagar (7-12-2007 to 30-6-2015)

Name : Dr. Prakash I Shah

Designation : Lecturer (SG-2, AGP-10000)

Education : B.Pharm and M.Pharm (Pharmacology) from L.M. College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad.  Ph.D. completed in Pharmacology under the guidance of Dr. R.K. Goyal from M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar

Presently, Elected Member of the Gujarat State Pharmacy council, Ahmedabad.

Former Member of M.K. Bhavnagar University, Need committee and Local Inspection committee. Life time members of APTI, IPS and GPTA. Also worked as Judge (Evaluator) in National and International conferences.

Experience : Total 30 years of experience in Pharmaceutical field including Academics.

Academic Experience :  Total 21 years

  1. Worked as Incharge principal of this institute for 1 and half year and also as Coordinator for 1 year in the dept. of Naturopathy and Yogic science, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University,Bhavnagar  Also worked as Asst. Coordinator for 7 years in Central assessment center, M.K.Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar.
  2. Visiting faculty in Dept. of Chemistry, Bhavnagar, Dept. of Chemistry Bhuj in M.Sc. chemistry, B.Sc. Nursing, Govt. Nursing College, Bhavnagar and also in M.Pharm and B.Pharm institutes.

Industrial Experience :  Total 9 years

Research Project : Gujcost, Gandhinagar Rs. 2.20 lacs  jointly, under the Title ”Challenges and opportunities on crystallization approach to improve physicochemical and processing parameters.

Publications : Total 25 articles out of which 18 full text articles and 2 oral and 5 poster presentations in various International and National journals and conferences respectively.


(I) International :                       

  1. A Review article entitled “Drug Information System” published in International Journal of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, September-November, 2010, Vol.1(2), 56-61.(ISSN Number: 976-9374)
  2. A Research article entitled “Study of Electrophoretic Pattern in Serum of Multiple Myeloma Patients” published in International Journal of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, September-November 2010, Vol.1(2), 116-131. (ISSN Number: 976-9374)
  3. A Research article entitled “Evidence for the presence of Iron chelator constituent in the wheatgrass for the treatment of patients with thalassemia major” published in Journal of Pharmacy Research Volume.5 issue 7, July-2012. (Impact factor: 2.34, ISSN no.0974-6943).
  4. A Review article entitled “Pharmacological activities of Achyranthus Aspers: An Overview” published in Journal of Pharma Science Monitor, April-July2013 Volume.4, Issue.3, Supl 1. 115-126 (ISSN no. 0976-7908).
  5. A Review article entitled “Pharmacological activities of Cedrus Deodara: An Overview” published in Journal of Pharma Science Monitor, April-July2013 Volume.4, Issue.3, Supl 1. 100-114 (ISSN no. 0976-7908).
  6. A Review article entitled “A Review on Oxidative stress and Diabetic Complications” published in Journal of Pharma Science Monitor, April-July2013 Volume.4, Issue.3, Supl 1. 166-179 (ISSN no. 0976-7908).
  7. A Research article entitled “Protective actions of Wheatgrass Capsules in patients with Thalassemia major” published in Journal of Pharma Science Monitor, Sept-2013 Volume-4, Issue-4, Supl-1. 296-302 (ISSN no.0976-7908, Impact factor-0.3317/ ICV-4.01).
  8. A Research article entitled “Preparation and comparision of dissolution profiles of Aceclofenac by solid dispersion” published in journal of IJSRD (International journal of Scientific & development), December-2014 Volume-1, Issue-10, 83-852 (ISSN no.2321-0613, Impact factor-1.26).
  9. A Review article entitled “Genetic markers in plant: conceptions, types and its medicinal and breeding application” published in International journal of pharmaceutical research and bio-science,2015;volume 4(4):111-128.(ISSN no.2277-8713, Impact factor:1.862 by journal impact factor, ICV 2013:5.71).
  10. Research article entitled “Investigation of anti-diabetic and hypolipidemic activity of Dykure in streptozotocin induced diabetic wistar rats” published in International journal of Pharmaceutical sciences & Research (IJPSR), winter-2015:0975-8232. Impact factor:1.79  (APTICON-2015 proceeding conference)
  11. A Research article entitled “Investigation of cardioprotective effects of crataegus oxycantha and its molecular mechanism” in current research in cardiology Vol.2 No.4 winter-2015:161-167 (ISSN no.2368-0524, International peer reviewed journal).
  12. A Research article entitled “Preparation and characterization of Olanzepine microemulsion” published in International Conference on Research & Entrepreneurship proceedings
  13. A Research article entitled “Improvement of physicochemical and pharmacotechnical parameters of ketoprofen crystals” published in International Conference on Research & Entrepreneurship proceedings.
  14. A Research article entitled “Improvement of Physicomechanical and Pharmacotechnical parameters of Ibuprofen by crystal Engineering” published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences Review and Research,.,39(1) July-August 2016:173-182 (ISSN no. 0976-044x).

(II) National :

  1. A Review article entitled “Multiple Myeloma: A Plasma Cell Cancer” published in Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, April, 2007, Vol.17, No.11: 20:31. (IJCP- ISSN Number: 0971-0876).
  2. A Review article entitled “5-Hydroxytryptamine” published in Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, March, 2009, Vol.19, no.10:35-43. (ISSN Number: 0971-0876).
  3. A Review article entitled “Major Histocompatibility Complex” published in Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, September, 2009, Vol. 20, no.4:306-310. (ISSN Number: 0971-0876).
  4. A Review article entitled “Biological Actions of Opuntia Species” published in Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, an online journal, July-December, 2010, Vol.1,issue-2:146-149. (ISSN Number-0975-8453).

(III) Oral presentations :

  1. A Research paper titled “ Electrophoretic pattern In  Serum of Multiple Myeloma has been presented Orally and won 2nd prize in XXII Gujarat science congress Jointly Organised By Bhavnagar university & Gujarat science Academy on 9th March 2008. (Abstract in XXII Gujarat science congress-2008 Souvenir page no.178-179).
  2. A Research paper titled “Wheatgrass produces positive changes in haematological parameters and possess protective action in Thalassemics” has been presented orally in International Conference on: “Pharmacology and Translational Research” in IPS-2010 held at the Food and drug toxicology Research centre, National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad from 14th to 16th December,2010. (Abstract in Indian Journal of Pharmacology, Dec-2010, Vol.42

(IV) Poster presentations :                       

  1. A Review article (Co-Author) entitled “Molecular Markers: A New Era of Standardi-zation and Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Medicinal Plants” poster was presented in the Association of Pharmacy Professionals (APP) 1st Annual National convention (7th April, 2012-Bhopal, MP. Abstract was published in the Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Research 2012; 1(S):170. (ISSN no. 2249-6041 print, 2249-9245 online).
  2. A Research article (Author) entitled “Beneficial effects of wheatgrass on haemoglobin fractions in thalassemics” poster was presented in 2 days (6th and 7th February 2015) National Conference “Frontiers and Avenues in the field of Herbal Drug Research” organized by L.M. College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad.
  3. Research article (Co-Author) entitled “An improvement of physicochemical and processing parameters of ibuprofen crystals” was presented in 1 day conference
  4. A Research article (Author) entitled “wheatgrass improves quality of life in patients with thalassemia major” in 3 days International conference on: “Cutting-Edge Pharmacology: Contemporary Issues and Future Challenges” in IPS-2015 held at dept. of pharmaceutical sciences, Saurashtra university, Rajkot from 18th to 20th December-2015. (Abstract published in Indian journal of pharmacology, Dec.2015, Vol., supplement page no.
  5. A Research article (Co-Author) entitled “Solid State Cgaracterization of Ketoprofen by Crystal Engineering Approach” in 2 days National Conference on: Pharmavision-2017 organised by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad and hosted by Arihant school of Pharmacy & Bio-Research Institute, Ahmedabad.


  1. A Research paper entitled “Electrophoretic Pattern in Serum of Multiple Myeloma” was presented in oral session and won 2nd prize in XXII Gujarat Science Congress, jointly organized by Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar & Gujarat Science Academy on 9th March, 2008. (Abstract available in abstract book of XXII Gujarat Science Congress-2008:178-179).
  2. Elected Member of the Gujarat State Pharmacy Council, Ahmedabad.
  3. Invited Speaker & Guest in various National/ International Conferences/seminar/Refresher course.
  4. Invited Evaluator in Various National/International Conference.

Name : Dr. Vijay L. Ghori

Designation : Lecturer (Selection Grade)

Education Qualification :

  • Ph.D in Pharmaceutics from Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad
  • M.Pharm from Pharmaceutical Biotechnology- Saurashtra University, Rajkot
  • B.Pharm from L.M. College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad

Professional Experience : Total 19 Years of professional experience in Pharmaceutical field including academics.

  1. Academic Experience : 19 years
    • Permanent full time Lecturer at Shantilal Shah Pharmacy College since 10-09-2003 to till date
    • Served as Visiting Lecturer at this college for 3 Years from Academic Year 1999-2000 to 2002-03
    • Served as visiting faculty in M.Sc course at Dept. of Chemistry, Kutch University, Bhuj.

Life Member :

  • Association of Pharmacy Teachers of India (APTI)
  • Gujarat Pharmacy Teachers Association (GPTA)

Research Work and Publications :

Publications : Total 19 papers published out of which 11 full text articles and 2 oral and 6 poster presentations in various International and National journals and conferences respectively.


(I) International :

1) A Review article entitled “Drug Information System” published in International Journal of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, September-November, 2010, Vol.1(2), 56-61.(ISSN Number: 976-9374)

2) A Research article entitled “Study of Electrophoretic Pattern in Serum of Multiple Myeloma Patients” published in International Journal of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, September-November 2010, Vol.1(2), 116-131. (IJPHS- ISSN Number: 976-9374)

3) A Research article entitled “Preparation and comparision of dissolution profiles of Aceclofenac by solid dispersion” published in journal of IJSRD (International journal of Scientific & development), December-2014 Volume-1, Issue-10, 83-852 (ISSN no.2321-0613, Impact factor-1.26).

4) A Review article entitled “Genetic markers in plant: conceptions, types and its medicinal and breeding application” published in International journal of pharmaceutical research and bio-science(IJPRBS),2015; volume 4(4):111-128.(ISSN no.2277-8713, Impact factor:1.862 by journal impact factor, ICV 2013:5.71).

5) Research article entitled “Frequency analysis of ATP1B1 gene polymorphism in hypertensive subjects” published in International journal of Pharmaceutical sciences & Research (IJPSR), winter-2015:0975-8232. Impact factor:1.79 (APTICON-2015 proceeding conference)

6) Research article entitled “Investigation of anti-diabetic and hypolipidemic activity of Dykure in streptozotocin induced diabetic wistar rats” published in International journal of Pharmaceutical sciences & Research (IJPSR), winter-2015:0975-8232. Impact factor:1.79 (APTICON-2015 proceeding conference)

7) A Research article entitled “Investigation of cardioprotective effects of crataegus oxycantha and its molecular mechanism” in current research in cardiology Vol.2 No.4 winter-2015:161-167 (ISSN no.2368-0524, International peer reviewed journal).

8) A Research article entitled “Preparation and characterization of Olanzepine microemulsion” published in International Conference on Research & Entrepreneurship proceedings

9) A Research article entitled Formulation and Optimization of Self Nano Emulsifying Drug Delivery System of Lercanidipine Hydrochloride Using Response Surface Methodology In International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research And Bio-Science

10) A Research article entitled Enhancement of Solubility and in vitro Drug Release Study for Lercanidipine Hydrochloride Loaded Liquid Self Nano Emulsifying Drug Delivery System using Factorial Design in International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research

(II) National :

1) A Review article entitled “Major Histocompatibility Complex” published in Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, September, 2009, Vol. 20, no.4:306-310. (IJCP- ISSN Number: 0971-0876).

(III) Oral presentations :

1) Oral paper presented on “Evaluation of genetic stability in the callus tissues by Flow Cytometry and RAPD fingerprinting in the gamma irradiated mutant plants of Jatropha curcas L.” In international symposium on herbal and traditional medicine at Dept. of Pharmaceutical sciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot.

2) Oral paper presented on “Design And Development of Self Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System of BCS Class II Drug By Implementation of QbD Principles” in GUJCOST Sponsored Short Term Training Program on QbD: Academic and Industrial Perspective on 13th Aug to 18th Aug 2018 at Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot - 360 005, Gujarat, India

(IV)Poster presentations :

1) A Review article entitled “Molecular Markers: A New Era of Standardi-zation and Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Medicinal Plants” poster was presented in the Association of Pharmacy Professionals (APP) 1st Annual National convention (7th April,2012-Bhopal, MP. Abstract was published in the Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Research 2012; 1(S):170. (ISSN no. 2249-6041 print, 2249-9245 online).

2) A Research paper on “Preparation and comparison of dissolution profile of immediate release tablet containing drug for erectile dysfunction” in GUJCOST SPONSORED NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on “Pharmaceutical Dosage Form Design & Development: Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities” at Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh.

3) A Research paper entitled on “Enzymatic potential and antibiotic sensitivity of bacterial species isolated from industrial wastes” in IPSCON 2015’’ Organized By – Dept. of pharmaceutical sciences, Rajkot.

4) Development and Characterization of Self Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SNEDDS) of Lercanidipine HCL at Nootan Pharmacy College, Visnagar, Gujarat, India Sponsored by SERB-DST and APTI supported National Conference on 9-10th March 2017

5) Formulation and optimization of Self Nano Drug Delivery System of Lercanidipine HCL using 32 full factorial design in Pharmavision 2017 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India on 9-10th September 2017. Earned 2nd prize for presentation.

6) “Development and Characterization of Self Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) of Cinacalcet HCL” in international conference on pharmacy practice “Towards The Excellence In Pharmacy Practice” on 26th -27th December 2018 at KBIPER, Gandhinagar


Resource person : Invited speaker in Refresher courses for Registered Pharmacists sponsored by Gujarat State Pharmacy Council, Ahmedabad.

Served as Judge /Evaluator in National and International conferences.

Training and Conferences attended : More than 25 training programmes, seminars and conferences National and International attended.


1. Awarded 3rd Prize for Oral paper presention on “Evaluation of genetic stability in the callus tissues by Flow Cytometry and RAPD fingerprinting in the gamma irradiated mutant plants of Jatropha curcas L.” In international symposium on herbal and traditional medicine at Dept. of pharmaceutical sciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot.

2. Awarded consolation prize for presentation on A Review article entitled “Molecular Markers: A New Era of Standardization and Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Medicinal Plants” poster was presented in the Association of Pharmacy Professionals (APP) 1st Annual National convention.

3. Awarded 2nd prize for presentation on Formulation and optimization of Self Nano Drug Delivery System of Lercanidipine HCL using 32 full factorial design in Pharmavision 2017 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India on 9-10th September 2017.

Name : Mr. Manish G. Upadhyay

Designation : Lecturer

Education Qualification : B.Pharm from L.M. College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad. M.Pharm (Pharm. Tech.) from M.S. University, Vadodara. Ph.D. (Perusing from R.K. Univeristy, Rajkot)

Experience :

  1. Total 17 years experience in the field of Pharmacy
  2. Academic experience 12 years
  3. 5 years in Pharmaceutical manufacturing Industry (Intas and Zydus)

Other Experiences :

  1.  Assistant Coordinator dept. of Naturopathy and Yogic science, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University,Bhavnagar (1 year) ? Asst. Coordinator, Central assessment center, M.K.Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar.
  2.  NSS Programme officer in Shantilal Shah Pharmacy college As a committee member in Youth Festival activities of M.K. Bhavnagar University.(2 Years)
  3.  As an Exhibitor in M.K.Bhavnagar University Stall in Vibrant Gujarat Global Trade Show in Year 2015 and 2017

Publications : Total 10 articles out of which 6 full text articles and 1 oral and 3 poster presentations in various International and National journals and conferences respectively.

Resource person :

  1. Invited speaker in Refresher courses for Registered Pharmacists sponsored by Gujarat State Pharmacy Council, Ahmedabad.
  2. Motivational speaker in NSS camps organized by University NSS co-ordinator

Training and Conferences attended : More than 25 training programmes, seminars and conferences National and International attended.

Name : Dr. Pooja D. Vaghela

Designation : Lecturer (Senior Scale)

Education Qualification : Ph.D. (Pharmaceutics); M. Pharm. in Pharmaceutics with First Rank in the Saurashtra University, Rajkot; PGDCA.

Present Designation : Permanent Lecturer (SS) at Shantilal Shah Pharmacy College, Bhavnagar since January 2006.

Experience : 15 years experience in Academic field.

Minor Research Project : As a Principal Investigator, a Research Project has been sanctioned by GUJCOST, GoG, Gandhinagar in March-2015 of Rs. 2.2 Lacs entitled "Challenges and opportunities on crystallization approach to improve physicochemical and processing parameters".

Life Member : Life time members of APTI and GPTA

Publications : Total 21 articles out of which 13 full text articles and 8 paper presentations in various International/National Journals/Conferences/Symposium/Seminar.


Total 20 articles out of which 13 full text articles and 7 poster presentations in various International/National Journals/Conferences/Semposium/Synopsis.

(I) International

Publications :

1) A Research article entitled "Improvement of Physicomechanical and Pharmacotechnical Parameters of Ibuprofen by Crystal Engineering" published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, July – August 2016, 39(1), 173-182 (ISSN 0976 – 044X, Impact Factor 2.544)

2) A Research article entitled "Development and validation of difference Spectroscopic method for determination of Bupropion in its tablet dosage form" published in the World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2016, Volume 5, Issue 3, 1008-1014 (ISSN 2277– 7105, Impact Factor 6.805)

3) A Research article entitled “Improvement of physicochemical and pharmacotechnical parameters of Ketoprofen crystals” published in the International Conference on Research & Entrepreneurship proceedings, 579-600 (ISBN No. 978-93-5254-061-7)

4) A Research article entitled “Preparation and characterization of Olanzepine microemulsion” published in the International Conference on Research & Entrepreneurship proceedings, 601-610 (ISBN No. 978-93-5254-061-7)

5) A Review article entitled “Genetic markers in plant: conceptions, types and its medicinal and breeding application” published in the International journal of pharmaceutical research and bio-science (IJPRBS), 2015; volume 4(4):111-128. (ISSN no.2277-8713, Impact factor:1.862 by journal impact factor, ICV 2013:5.71).

6) A Research article entitled "Role of excipients in the crystallization of Albendazole" published in the ELSEVIER's Journal of Advanced Powder Technology, 26 (2015), 1102-1115 (ISSN No. 0921-8831, Impact Factor: 2.638)

7) A Research article entitled “Preparation and comparison of dissolution profiles of Aceclofenac by solid dispersion” published in the International journal of Scientific & development, 2014, Volume-1, Issue-10, 83-85 (ISSN No. 2321-0613, Impact factor: 1.26)

8) A Review article entitled “Cocrystals : A Novel Approach To Improve The Physicochemical and Mechanical Properties” published in the Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, Vol.4(10), 5055-5065.(ISSN Number: 2231-6876, Impact factor: 2.37)

9) A Review article entitled “Drug Information System” published in the International Journal of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, September-November, 2010, Vol.1(2), 56-61.(ISSN Number: 0976-9374)

10) A Research article entitled “Study of Electrophoretic Pattern in Serum of Multiple Myeloma Patients” published in the International Journal of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, September-November 2010, Vol.1(2), 116-131. (ISSN Number: 0976-9374)

(II) National Publications :

1) A Review article entitled "Phytosome : Revolution in Herbal Medicines-More bioavailable and more effective" published in VAK Saurashtra University Research Journal, Nov.-Dec. 2012, 25-35. (ISSN Number: 2320-1533)

2) A Review article entitled “Major Histocompatibility Complex” published in Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, September, 2009, Vol. 20, no.4: 306-310. (IJCP- ISSN Number: 0971-0876). 3) A Review article entitled “5-Hydroxytryptamine” published in Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, March, 2009, Vol.19, no.10:35-43. (IJCP- ISSN Number: 0971-0876).

3) A Review article entitled “5-Hydroxytryptamine” published in Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, March, 2009, Vol.19, no.10:35-43. (IJCP- ISSN Number: 0971-0876).A Review article entitled “5-Hydroxytryptamine” published in Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, March, 2009, Vol.19, no.10:35-43. (IJCP- ISSN Number: 0971-0876).

(III) Paper presentations :

1) A Research paper entitled, 'Preparation and Comparison of Drug Release Profiles of Directly Compressible Tablets of Ibuprofen', was presented at GUJCOST and DST Sponsored National Seminar on “Current Scenario and Newer Avenues in Pharmacotherapeutics: A Promising Approach in Pharma-Sector" organized by Sharda School of Pharmacy, Pethapur, Gandhinagar on 10th September, 2018

2) A Survey based Research paper entitled “Women - Take Charge of Your Health" poster was presented at the GUJCOST Sponsored National Seminar on "Woman - An Inspirational Soul" organized by the L. M. College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad on 18th March, 2017 (Won THIRD PRIZE)

3) A Research paper entitled “Solid State Characterisation of Ibuprofen by Crystal Engineering Approach" poster was presented in the Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) and Dept. of Science & Technology GoI (DST) Sponsored Two days National Seminar on "Bioavailability Enhancement : An Industry Desire and Regulatory Constrains" organized by the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

4) A Research paper entitled “Improvement of Physicomechanical and Pharmacotechnical Parameters of Ibuprofen Crystals" poster was presented in the GUJCOST Sponsored National Seminar on "Futuristic Perspectives on Inhaled Drug Therapy" organized by the Maliba Pharmacy College, Bardoli

5) A Research paper entitled “Improvement of Physicomechanical and Pharmacotechnical Parameters of Ketoprofen Crystals" poster was presented in the ICRE-2016 : International Conference on “Research and Entrepreneurship” organized by the R. K. University, Rajkot

6) A Research paper entitled “An Improvement of Physicochemical and Pharmacotechnical Parameters of Ketoprofen Crystals" was presented in the 48th Annual IPSCON 2015 : International Conference on “Cutting-Edge Pharmacology: Contemporary Issues and Future Challenges” organized by the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

7) A Research paper entitled “An Improvement of Physicochemical and Processing Parameters of Ibuprofen Crystals" was presented in the GUJCOST Sponsored National Symposium on "Pharmaceutical Dosage Form Design and Development: Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities" organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh

Academic Achievement

1) Awarded Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutics under the guidance of Dr. H. M. Tank from the R. K. University, Rajkot on 12/02/2018

2) As a Principal Investigator a Minor Research Project (MRP) has been sanctioned by the Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (GUJCOST), Govt. of Gujarat, Gandhinagar entitled "Challenges and Opportunities on crystallization approach to improve physicochemical and processing parameters" in March-2015 of Rs. 2.2 Lacs

3) Secured First Rank in the Saurashtra University in M.Pharm. among all branches in 2013

4) Won 1st Prize in the competition for the Poster paper presentation at 8th National Level Seminar on 'PHARMA VISION 2017' organized by Arihant School of Pharmacy and Bio-Research Institute, Gandhinagar on 9th - 10th September, 2017

5) Won 3rd Prize in the competition for the Poster paper presentation at National Seminar Sponsored by GUJCOST and Organized by L. M. College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad on 18th March, 2017

6) As a Judge in the Teachers' day event organized by S. S. Pharmacy College, Bhavnagar on 5th Sept., 2017

7) As a Judge in the Poster competition organized by S. S. Pharmacy College, Bhavnagar on the Pharmacist Day Celebration, 25th Sept., 2017

8) As a Nodal Officer in College Level Admission Committee

9) As a Resource Faculty in Refresher courses for Registered Pharmacists Sponsored by Gujarat State Pharmacy Council, Ahmedabad

Name : Dr. Omprakash H. Trivedi

Designation : Lab. Asst, I/C Training and Placement Officer, I/C Placement Officer (Honorary)

Birth Date : 13-08-1974

Academic Achievements :  

  • Diploma in Pharmacy
  • M.A. (political Sc.)
  • L.L.B
  • Ph.D. (Labour Law)
  • M.Phil (Management)
  • CCC +

Designation : 

  1. Lab. Asst. -  S.S Pharmacy College, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar
  2.  I/C Training and Placement Officer - S.S Pharmacy College, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar.
  3. I/C Placement Officer (Honorary) - M.K.Bhavnagar university, Bhavnagar


  • Member of Court (Nominated by  His Excellency Governor of  Gujarat)  at M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar  during 1998-2003
  • Member of Executive Council (Nominated by   Government of Gujarat) at M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar during  2003 to 2006
  • Served as a Visiting  Lecturer in  political science dept. at Shamaldas Arts College and External department , M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar
  •  Served as a Student Welfare Officer (Honorary)- M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar.
  • Served as a General Secretary of Gujarat state University Employees Federation for 8 years
  • Serving in capacity of Placement Officer (Honorary)- M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar.
  • Serving in capacity of President – Secretary – Treasurer in  Union activities at M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar.
  • Serving in a capacity of Director-M.K.B. University employee Co-operative soc.  


  • Administration
  •  Management
  • Labour matters
  • Legal  issues
  • Education sector